How you can help?

My parents fight with me. See what they want to ask you!

“Dear Sir or Madam

We are parents 8 year old girl, Lilianna. She suffers for a metabolic disease that damages her little body.

That means that despite being our very little brave and strong
survivor, Lilianna is unable to fight the illness on her own. Together
with her we are helplessly facing hard to predict and debilitating
epileptic seizures. It is like a tornado – destructive power cannot be
stopped and leaves a lot of damage. We are trying to before the next
attack will come. Every attack extremely exhausting Lilianna again and
undermining a lot of hard work that we put together with it in daily
physiotherapy, psychotherapy, diagnosis, supplementation and care.

Lilianna has trouble with speaking, sitting and she is not able to
walk. She is weaken by her problems with the digestive system. We are
afraid every time she has an incident.

We are constantly
looking for the causes of this condition. The last few months have
brought a new diagnosis. A diagnosis of cerebral palsy, hypothyroidism
caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis , significantly increased problems
with the digestive system. At the moment Lilianna is fed through PEG
(Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy). This means that our princess is
fed through a tube directly into the stomach. There are also problems
with circulatory and respiratory systems.

physiotherapy, psychotherapy, proper care, supplementation and diet and
further attempts to diagnose Lilianna, her condition will keep worsening
with each passing day.

And although we have infinite amounts
of love, perseverance, faith, hope and determination to fight the
disease, we struggle to meet our financial needs. Because our Daughter
needs a full time care, only one of us, Lilianna’s dad, is working.

If you can help us getting funding for Lilianna we will accept it with
great gratitude. All the resources will help Lilianna get the treatment
and support through: hippotherapy, kinesitherapy, pool activity,
rehabilitation, specialist multi-level diagnostics and many other forms
of therapy. We are forced to use private medical care, due to
insufficient funds allocated through public health care system for
needs of children with these issues.

We will appreciate any help and we promise that each donation will be warmly welcomed.

Agnieszka and Maciej Krzyżosiak, Lilianna’s parents”

Fundacja Dzieciom (KRS: 0000037904) asks you for help for Lilianna.

title: 17299 Krzyzosiak Lilianna Maria – darowizna na pomoc i ochronę zdrowia


PL 90 2490 0005 0000 4530 9858 4994
( USD)
PL 82 2490 0005 0000 4600 7337 4309

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